Electrofusion FittingsClick to view our Electrofusion Fittings product range in detail. Injection - Confection & KIT FittingsClick to view our Injection-Confection product range in detail. Steel Transitions - Flanges & PP Covered FlangesClick here to view our Steel Transition - Flanges product range in detail. Polyethylene Pipe Butt Welding MachinesClick here to review our polyethylene pipe product range. Polyethylene Pipe Butt Welding MachinesClick here to review our polyethylene pipe product range. ApparatusClick here to review our apparatus product range in detail. DÜNYADA GİTTİKÇE YAYGINLAŞAN TURAN BORFİT, SİZİ DE BU AİLENİN BİR PARÇASI OLARAK GÖRMEK İSTİYOR. BAYİMİZ VEYA MÜŞTERİMİZ OLMAK İÇİN ÜRÜNLERİMİZİ İNCELEYEBİLİRSİNİZ.